Mission Statement

Provide quality emergency communications service to the public and to emergency service providers in Columbia County.


To achieve the District mission, the following key elements govern the active goals of the District:

Development of an effective, professional staff
Recruit, train and retain administrative staff and line staff who are knowledgeable, efficient and professional in the performance of their duties.

Establishment, maintenance, expansion as needed, of fiscal resources
Establish a secure funding source to assure continuity of a reasonable level of service and seek new and innovative fiscal resources to expand services.

Acquisition, maintenance, use of updated equipment and systems
Acquire, maintain and update equipment consistent with the quality of service objectives and fiscal capabilities of the district.

Continually improve basic services and maintain quality
Develop a system which will encourage full participation by all emergency service providers in the district.

Research needed services for the public and public safety agencies
Constantly seek improved methods of providing basic services and explore needed services and their relationship to the district as a possible provider.

Ensure ongoing evaluations of operations to assure accountability
Establish ongoing evaluation methods which will assure accountability to the participating agencies and the public through the Board of Directors and their designees.